Your search returned 2 results. Subscribe to this search

1. Catalogue of the native poultry of Southeast Asia /

by Wu, Ming-Che; Guzman, M. R. de; Bay-Petersen, Jan. -- Asian and Pacific Council; Tʻai-wan sheng chʻu chʻan shih yen so

Material type: book Book Publisher: Taipei : Tainan : Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region ; Taiwan Livestock Research Institute, [1991]Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block C [636 TAI 1991 C156 Or.] (1).

2. Land tenure and the small farmer in Asia /

by Bay-Petersen, Jan. -- Asian and Pacific Council; Xing zheng yuan nong ye fa zhan wei yuan hui (China); Tu di gai ge xun lian suo (Taiwan)

Material type: book Book Publisher: Taiwan, Republic of China : Food and Fertilizer Technology Center for the Asian and Pacific Region, 1983Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block C [338 FOO 1983 C160 Or.] (1).


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