Overcoming human poverty /
by -- United Nations Development Programme Material type: Book Publisher: New York, N.Y. : UNDP, c2000Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [362 UND 2000 A066 Or.] (1).
Energy after Rio : prospects and challenges /
by Reddy, Amulya K. N;
Williams, Robert H;
Johansson, Thomas B.
-- United Nations Development Programme Material type: Book Publisher: New York : United Nations Development Programme, c1997 Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [362 UNI 1997 A066 Or.] (1).
Case studies on bioenergy policy and law : options for sustainability /
by Morgera, Elisa;
Kulovesi, Kati;
Gobena, Ambra.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2010Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: No items available
Committee on Fisheries report of the sixth session of the Subcommittee on Fish Trade : Bremen, Germany, 3-6 June 1998
by -- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : FAO, 1998Other title: Report of the sixth session of the Subcommittee on Fish Trade, Bremen, Germany, 3-6 June 1998.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [639 FAO 1998 A049 Or.] (1).
Report of the World Food Summit, 13-17 November 1996 = Rapport du Sommet mondial de l'alimentation, 13-17 novembre 1996.
by -- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1997-1998Other title: Rapport du sommet mondial de l'alimentation | Taqrīr muʾtamar al-qimmah al-ʻĀlamī lil-Aghdhiyah.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [338 FOO 1997 A065 Or.] (1).
Pesticide residues in food 2007 : Joint FAO-WHO Meeting on Pesticide Residues : report of the Joint Meeting of the FAO Panel of Experts on Pesticide Residues in Food and the Environment and the WHO Core Assessment Group on Pesticide Residues, Geneva, Switzerland, 18-27 September 2007
by -- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
World Health Organization Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : World Health Organization : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [363 WOR 2007 A065 Or.] (1).
Technical background documents /
by -- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome, Italy : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c1996Other title: World food summit.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [338 FOO 1996 A065 Or.] (1).
Guidelines for forestry information processing with particular reference to developing countries /
by van Roessel, J. W.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1986Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [634 FOO 1986 A049 Or.] (1).
Standard design for small-scale modular slaughterhouses.
by -- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1988Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [725 FOO 1988 A111 Or.] (1).
Glossary of aquaculture /
by Crespi, Valerio;
Coche, A. G.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : FAO, 2008Other title: Glossaire d'aquaculture | Glosario de acuicultura.Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [639 FAO 2008 A049 Or.] (1).
Technical background documents /
by -- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome, Italy : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c1996Other title: World food summit.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [363 FOO 1996 A065 Or.] (1).
Manuals of food quality control.
by Malik, Raj;
Hammer, Kevin;
Whitehead, Anthony J.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 1991Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [664 FOO 1991 A049 Or.] (1).
Cage aquaculture : regional reviews and global overview /
by Halwart, Matthias;
Soto, Doris;
Arthur, J. R.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome, Italy : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c2007Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [639 FOO 2007 A051 Or.] (1).
Annual development co-operation report : Cambodia.
by -- United Nations Development Programme Material type: Continuing Resource Publisher: [Phnom Penh?] : United Nations Development Programme Other title: Development co-operation Cambodia.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [338 UNI 2005 A067 Or.] (2).
Geographic information systems, remote sensing and mapping for the development and management of marine aquaculture /
by Kapetsky, James M;
Aguilar-Manjarrez, Jos©♭.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2007Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [639 FOO 2007 A051 Or.] (1).
Assessment and management of biotoxin risks in bivalve molluscs /
by Lawrence, James F.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2011Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [615 FOO 2011 A051 Or.] (1).
Report of the first meeting of directors of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe (NACEE) : Szarvas, Republic of Hungary, 21-24 November 2004 = Pervogo soveshchanii���a��� direktorov Seti T���S���entrov po Akvakul��ture v T���S���entral��no-Vostochno�� Evrope (NACEE) : Sarvash, Vengrii���a���, 21-24 noii���a���bri���a��� 2004 g
by -- Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe;
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c2005Other title: Pervogo soveshchanii���a��� direktorov Seti T���S���entrov po Akvakul��ture v T���S���entral��no-Vostochno�� Evrope.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [639 FOO 2005 A052 Or.] (1).
Report of the sixth session of the Scientific Advisory Committee : Thessaloniki, Greece, 30 June-3 July 2003 = Rapport de la sixi��me session du Comit�� scientifique consultatif : Thessalonique, Gr��ce, 30 juin-3 juillet 2003 /
by -- General Fisheries Commission for the Mediterranean (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations) Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations, 2003Other title: Rapport de la sixi��me session du Comit�� scientifique consultatif.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [328 FOO 2003 A068 Or.] (1).
Report of the extraordinary session : St. Julian, Malta, 19-23 July 2004 = Rapport de la session extraordinaire : Saint-Julien, Malte, 1925 juillet 2004
by -- General Fisheries Council for the Mediterranean (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations);
Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations Material type: Book Publisher: Rome, Italy : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c2004Other title: Rapport de la session extraordinaire.Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [639 FOO 2004 A052 Or.] (1).
Rural structures in the tropics : design and development /
by Mrema, Geoffrey C.
-- Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations;
Technical Centre for Agricultural and Rural Cooperation (Ede, Netherlands) Material type: Book Publisher: Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2011Online Access: Click here to access online Availability: Items available for loan: Library Block A [690 FOO 2011 A051 Or.] (1).