Report of the first meeting of directors of the Network of Aquaculture Centres in Central-Eastern Europe (NACEE) : Szarvas, Republic of Hungary, 21-24 November 2004 = Pervogo soveshchanii���a��� direktorov Seti T���S���entrov po Akvakul��ture v T���S���entral��no-Vostochno�� Evrope (NACEE) : Sarvash, Vengrii���a���, 21-24 noii���a���bri���a��� 2004 g Pervogo soveshchanii���a��� direktorov Seti T���S���entrov po Akvakul��ture v T���S���entral��no-Vostochno�� Evrope - Rome : Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, c2005 - vi, 195 p. ; 30 cm - FAO Fisheries Report Doklad FAO po rybolovstvu ; .

"FIRI/R774 (Bi)."


Fishery management

639 FOO 2005 A052 Or.