Royster, Jacqueline Jones
Writer's choice : composition and grammar / Writer's choice, grammar and composition - Teacher's wraparound ed - New York : Glenco/McGraw-Hill, c1996 - 7 v. : ill. ; 29 cm. + 1 Teacher's resource pkg. (grade 6), 1 Teacher's resource pkg. (grade 6-8), 1 grammar workbook-Teacher's edition
Includes indexes Title on title page for vols. 9-10: Writer's choice, grammar and composition Consulting author for composition, vols. 9-12: William Strong K-12 textbooks
Composition (Language arts)
English language
English language
808 GLE 1996 A120 Or.
Writer's choice : composition and grammar / Writer's choice, grammar and composition - Teacher's wraparound ed - New York : Glenco/McGraw-Hill, c1996 - 7 v. : ill. ; 29 cm. + 1 Teacher's resource pkg. (grade 6), 1 Teacher's resource pkg. (grade 6-8), 1 grammar workbook-Teacher's edition
Includes indexes Title on title page for vols. 9-10: Writer's choice, grammar and composition Consulting author for composition, vols. 9-12: William Strong K-12 textbooks
Composition (Language arts)
English language
English language
808 GLE 1996 A120 Or.